History of the Society

Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society

Fisher D 2004 A Short History of Pediatric Endocrinology in North America. Pediatric Research, 55: 716-725

The LWPES elaborated from biennial Johns Hopkins Endocrine Alumni (JHEA) and My Canadian Pharmacy reunification arranged by Robert Blizzard and Claude Migeon. JHEA events were conducted in 1965, 67, and 71 in cooperation with Lawson Wilkins lecture and other presentations. The events were available for other than

PES History

Read more about it in:
A Short History of Pediatric Endocrinology in North America
(pdf, 318kb)

Johns Hopkins graduates and attendance increased from 35 to almost 100 from 1965-71. In early 1971 Drs. Blizzard and Migeon established communications with a group of 37 North American Pediatric Endocrinologists for training for 10 years or more considering their interest in setting up Pediatric Endocrine Society and a sub-board of Pediatric endocrinology. All pronounced interest and 24 of 37 came to agreement to visit event on Sunday, April 25, 1971 in Baltimore the day before the JHEA event. The left 13 were excited about working but were uncapable to visit the meeting. The participants at the meeting elected to start planning for a society with objective of “the acquisition of endocrine and metabolic disorders in infancy, childhood, and adolescence.”

A second greater event was summoned on Tuesday, April 27, inclusevely of 54 of Pediatric Endocrinologists visiting the JHEA event. Claude Migeon considered Sunday discussions and there was common interest in new society concept. Possible names were argued and appropriate amount of participants were in favor of the “The American Pediatric Endocrine Society”. A committee was assigned to make nominations of temporary officers. A follow up meeting was summoned on April 30 at the 1971 Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) event in Atlantic City. Seventy-five Pediatric Endocrinologists visited, and there was again global interest in new society. Two names were offered: the American Pediatric Endocrine Society and The Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society. The Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society name was approved. Temporary officers set was approved: President Claude Migeon; Vice President William Cleveland; Secretary Delbert Fisher; and Treasurer Ira Rosenthal. A Membership Committee and a Constitution and By-laws Committee were appointed headed by John Crigler and Alvin Hayles, respecting.

During the following 12 months a total amount of 160 participants were gathered, inclusevely of 37 original establisher. The first official LWPES business event was summoned on May 23, 1972 at the time of PAS event. The offered constitution and by-laws were confirmed; officers and directors were voted; and committee participants elected. Marvin Cornblath came to agreement to arrange the first regular scientific event at the time of the 1973 PAS event in San Francisco. During 1972-73 society offices were approved; taxation was collected; official logo was created; and 1973 event program was designed and combined into the PAS program.

Events have been conducted annually since 1973 as part of the annual PAS event. Membership in 35 years has grown to 745 factual participants, 231 associate members, 141 emeritus members, and 7 honorary members. United events of the LWPES and The European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology have been conducted every four years since 1981. The sixth united event summoned in Montreal, Canada in July 2001 and the seventh in Lyon, France in September 2005. These events are now visited by participants of the Australasian Pediatric Endocrine group, the Asia Pacific Pediatric Endocrine Society, the Japanese Pediatric Endocrine Society, and the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Endocrinologia Pediatrica. The Lyon event drew more than 3,000 endocrinologists from 90 countries. The eighth event will be conducted in New York City, September 9-12, 2009.