Eye Diseases in Children – Top List

Eye Diseases in Children - Top ListThe full development of the child’s body requires the coordinated work of all senses, and vision system plays one of the main roles. Therefore, it is so important to provide the necessary conditions for the health of this organ. Of course, no one can completely protect a child from diseases, including eye diseases, but their timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid dangerous complications and stop the pathology progression. If the parents of the baby are well versed in the symptoms of a particular pathology and its possible causes, at the first warning signs they will be able to address an experienced ophthalmologist who will provide the child with the necessary assistance. Many parents leave reviews about the possibility to order eye drops able to cope with eye diseases in children. One of such options is online services selling generic Lumigan, Kareprost, Bimatoprost, and many others. Global delivery attracts parets the most as they are not required to leave their homes to get the parcel from the online pharmacy.

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And let’s figure out the main eye diseases in children.

Myopia in children

Myopia is one of the most common pathologies in children, the prevalence of which is increasing annualy. The child does not see distant objects well, which significantly affects the quality of his life, opportunities in studies, and the profession choice. Myopia can develop for several reasons:

  • genetic predisposition. If at least one of the parents suffers from myopia, the risk of developing it in a child increases several times. We are talking mainly about congenital myopia, which manifests itself from the first year of life.
  • overstrain of the eye muscles. It is caused by long watching of TV, computer and reading books in poor lighting, without breaks.
  • incorrect vision correction. It is about choosing glasses yourself without consulting an ophthalmologist.

Myopia can be diagnosed behind the following symptoms:

  • the child often squints, stretches the outer corners of the eyes while watching TV;
  • sits closer to the TV, brings the book to the eyes;
  • worried about unreasonable headaches, increased fatigue;
  • if a student sits on the back of a school desk, his or her performance may decline.

To confirm the diagnosis, an examination by an ophthalmologist is required, who will prescribe the necessary treatment. This is, first of all, the correct regime of work and rest for the eyes, special exercises for muscles, vitamins, outdoor games. In addition, medical therapy, vision correction with glasses (lenses), physiotherapy methods may be required.

Hyperopia (farsightedness)

This disease is characterized by poor vision of objects at close range. Farsightedness can be both congenital and acquired, caused by various reasons:

  • burdened heredity;
  • stress, malnutrition and maternal illness during pregnancy;
  • violation in the anatomical eye structure (short eye axis, changes in the lens’ shape);
  • unsatisfactory ecological situation.

The main signs of hyperopia are:

  • headaches, nausea, fatigue, irritability;
  • the baby often blinks, closes his eyes, then opens wide, rubs his eyes with his hands;
  • brings the objects under consideration close to the face, leans towards the table when playing with small details (puzzles, construction set);
  • children refuse activities that require eye muscle tension (drawing, reading).

Farsightedness can be diagnosed from the first days of life (using an ophthalmoscope, retinoscope, as well as other objective and diagnostic methods). Up to 6 years of age, mild hyperopia, although it requires constant monitoring, does not cause serious concerns, due to the peculiarities of the growth and formation of the vision system. The scope and duration of treatment is determined exclusively by a pediatric specialist. It includes optical correction (glasses, lenses), hardware muscle stimulation, eye gymnastics, alternation of visual stress with active rest, nutrition enriched with vitamins.

Infantile strabismus

Strabismus in a child is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious pathology that affects the acuity and quality of vision. It arises due to a number of factors.

  • genetic disorders in the pathology of pregnancy;
  • hypoxia during childbirth, birth injury to the cervical spine or brain;
  • the presence of other eye diseases – myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia;
  • surgical manipulations on the eyes;
  • head trauma;
  • diseases of the brain of an infectious or vascular origin.

The most common symptoms of strabismus are:

  • the eyes do not move in a friendly manner;
  • the eye deviates when trying to look at one point;
  • the child tilts his head to the side, turns it if necessary to look at the object;
  • older children have complaints about blurred contours, blurred vision, double vision.

Strabismus is not always visible from the side, in some cases it can be detected only with the help of a complete ophthalmological examination.

Up to 4-6 months, not pronounced strabismus is considered the norm, due to the immaturity of the nervous system of newborns. Treatment of pathology is individual in each case. These are special exercises (independent and on apparatus), and wearing glasses, and treatment of the underlying disease. In some situations, recovery is possible only with the help of surgery.


Inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis) is most common in children. The main reason is the obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct. During intrauterine development, the duct is closed with a gelatinous film. Normally, at the first cry of a newborn, it bursts, but in 5% of cases this does not happen, stagnation of the lacrimal fluid occurs with the further development of the inflammatory process in the lacrimal sac. Dacryocystitis can also be caused by a curvature of the nasal septum, anatomical abnormalities of adjacent tissues, trauma to the nose or eyes. Pathology is manifested by the following clinical picture:

  • mucous or mucopurulent secretion from the eye;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • excessive moisture in the eye, watery eyes;
  • protrusion in the area of the lacrimal sac;
  • when you press on the inner corner of the eye, droplets of secretion from the lacrimal openings appear.

Infectious eye diseases in children

In childhood, eye diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are common.


Inflammation of the mucous eye membrane is caused by bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus), viruses (adenovirus, measles virus), less often – fungi. Conjunctivitis of allergic origin is also possible. Factors contributing to the development of the disease are dirty hands, hypothermia (overheating), decreased immunity, colds. The clinic in the acute period is quite characteristic:

  • secretion (serous or purulent), they stick together the eyelashes, in the morning they make it difficult to open the eye;
  • redness of the conjunctiva (caused by an increase in its vascular pattern);
  • itching, gritty eyes, photophobia;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • increased body temperature, violation of the general condition (not always).


Blepharitis is a long-term inflammatory process of the ciliary edges of the eyelids. It is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. There are also blepharitis of a non-infectious nature: allergic origin, or provoked by inadequate treatment of other eye diseases (myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia). Improper hygienic care, insufficient time in the fresh air, weakening of the immune system, hypothermia, chronic foci of infection increase the risk of developing inflammation of the eyelids.

Parents may suspect blepharitis on the following symptoms:

  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • burning and itching (because of this, children often rub their eyes);
  • pathological discharge, gray-white scales or sores on the edges of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation, mild photophobia;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased fatigue.

Treatment includes treating the edges of the eyelids with disinfectant solutions (brilliant green, chamomile decoction), the use of antibacterial ointments (tetracycline), softening the scales, and removing them. They also use hardware physiotherapy, vitamin therapy. It is necessary to fight concomitant infections, a healthy lifestyle.


Inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelid or its sebaceous gland (barley) is triggered by the effects of a bacterial infection, most often Staphylococcus aureus. In children, barley may indicate a decrease in immunity, helminthic invasion, endocrine disorders, and chronic diseases.

The clinic of this disease is familiar to many:

  • pain and itching of the eyelid;
  • local swelling and redness;
  • in the area of ​​the painful tubercle, after 2 days, a “head” appears, through which the purulent contents shine through;
  • if the barley is internal, the main swelling is on the side of the eyelid adjacent to the eyeball, and the breakthrough of pus occurs into the conjunctiva;
  • a frequent symptom in children is an increase in body temperature, general malaise.

Barley should not be taken lightly, because in some cases it can result in severe complications.